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Controller Area Network development using ARM Cortex M3 based microcontroller

Modelling and design of a CAN Network using mbed LPC1768 and MCP2551
April 2020 - May 2020

This is a simple demonstration of CAN network development using ARM Cortex M3 based microcontroller and CAN transceivers. I have used mbed LPC1768 boards along with MCP2551 CAN transceivers as the transmitter and receiver ECUs. Programming is done using the mbed online compiler. This project can be considered as a starter in CAN network development and automotive domain.

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Auto’CAR’e: A car which cares for you

Modelling and design of an Automatic Robotic Car with Accidence avoidance systems
University of Washington, WA, USA
Sept 2016 - Dec 2016

Auto’CAR’e is basically a simple model of a driver friendly car which avoids accidents. It involves accident avoidance systems such as sleep alert system, alcohol detection system and collision avoidance system. Several sensors like MQ3 Gas sensor, IR sensor and Ultrasonic sensors were used and the implementation was done using TM4C123 Ti controller.

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Road Lane Detection

Real-Time Lane Detection and Steering Angle Calculation (For Autonomous Cars)
University of Washington, WA, USA
Jan 2017 - Mar 2017

This project illustrates one of the autonomous features used in self-driving cars, Lane Detection. This project consists of two systems in which System I deals with the detection of road lane lines in real time and System II deals with the calculation of steering angle (angle of the lane lines with the horizontal) accordingly. Implementation was done using Raspberry Pi (Model 3) and Raspberry Pi Camera (Version 2.1) coded in OpenCV-Python and OpenCV-C++.

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Glaucoma Detection

Computer based detection of Glaucoma from retinal fundus images using CDR calculation
University of Washington, WA, USA
Apr 2017 - June 2017

Glaucoma, caused by the increased intraocular pressure (IOP) of the eye, is one of the many eye diseases that can lead to ocular damage and vision loss if not detected and treated in proper time. In this proposed study, an automated system is developed for glaucoma detection by optic disc and optic cup segmentation and CDR (Cup-to-Disc Ratio) calculation. CDR is calculated in two ways and they are named as Area based CDR (ACDR) and Diameter based CDR (DCDR) in this study. Risk analysis is done using the standard CDR value range. High-Resolution Fundus (HRF) Image Database, which contains a total of 40 images, is used for testing the proposed algorithm. Performance evaluation is done by the calculation of sensitivity and specificity metrics.

This paper has been selected as one of the top two application papers by the Professor, Dr. Sohini Roy Chowdhury.

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CAN BUS Network using Arduino and CAN BUS Shield

Modelling and design of a CAN Network using Arduino and CAN BUS Shield
April 2018 - May 2018

This project is a demonstration of a simple CAN BUS network using Arduino and CAN BUS Shield. Two CAN BUS Shields are connected on top of an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Mega respectively. CAN messages are sent from one end to control the circuit or display the values on the other end. An LED and potentiometer are connected to Arduino UNO and a push button is connected to Arduino Mega. The push button (on Mega) controls the LED (on Uno) and the value of the potentiometer (on UNO) can be displayed on the serial monitor (on Mega) of the Arduino Mega. This simple circuit is a beginner level project on CAN BUS communication.

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PCA based facial recognition

Discussion on Multivariate Gaussian Distribution and Facial Image Reconstruction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
University of Washington, WA, USA
Sept 2016 - Dec 2016

This project dealt with the reconstruction of a data set of Facial images from the data base provided by AT&T called 'The Database of Faces'. Implementation was done in MATLAB by applying principle component analysis (PCA). A test face image is reconstructed by projecting eigen-faces onto it to see minimum required number of principal components, so that the reconstructed image is identifiable. Main application is to conserve storage space. A brief discussion and experimentation on multivariate gaussian distribution was done as part of this project.

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Design & Simulation of Boost Converter

Compensator Design for Boost Converter using K-Factor method
University of Washington, WA, USA
Oct 2017 - Dec 2017
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CMOS Wafer Fabrication

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Wafer Fabrication.
University of Washington, WA, USA
Dec 2017 - Mar 2018
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Mobile WiMAX Networks

Analysis of the Parameters Affecting Handover Performance in Mobile WiMAX Networks
University of Calicut, Kerala, India
Sept 2014 - Jan 2015

The handover performance in mobile network is the most important factor that can influence the Quality of Service (QoS). The parameters such as delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput etc. are some factors which affect the WiMAX network performance. Simulations performed in Network Simulator Tool (NS2).

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Medical Image Processing Applications

Research Reports on various Medical Image Processing Application projects
University of Washington, WA, USA
April 2017 - June 2017

Image processing is one of the key terms which is driving automation, security and safety related application, not only of the electronic and electrical industry, but also in the Medical field. Research Reports were created based on several medical image processing application projects which includes Facial Recognition, Fundus Image Segmentation, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Computed Tomography (CT). The research reports are given below:

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Library management System

Website design for a library management application
Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore, India
Nov 2015 - Jan 2016

Library Management System is a computerized application for the librarian to supervise all the activities regarding the management of the library. Using this application, librarian can record various transactions such as adding members, adding books, removing books, issuing books, returning books and so on. In addition to this, an admin must be provided who has the right to add/remove the librarian.

See Report

Telecom Technologies

Industrial Training Report on various Telecom Technologies
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Kerala, India
April 2013 - May 2013

Attended Industrial training at Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), leading Indian state-owned telecommunications company. Gained practical and application level experience in Mobile Communication-its signaling and network performance, basic concepts in Data Communication, various transmission units such as Optical Fiber Cables.

See Report

Hobby Projects

University of Washington, WA, USA
April 2017 - May 2018